dint blog for quite a long time..ever since i got caught playin the com in midnight i dint dare use the com = =. so ill jus write a short one.
during thursday,im supposed to go to that stupid adriel's hse,then he last min tell me he GOT TUITION _l_ . ok nvm,so i (*ahem*) ask vivien whether i can wait for her since she got netball. she duno sae wad crap,then nigel kevin n erjie n me went to music room. at first the three of them went in,i dint dare cos im not in co ,then nigel came out,n sae tat erjie oso not in co,but she in liao,so i reluctantly went in wit him.

ok la not tat frightening,jus a few ppl,n i dont think they even noticed an intruder was invading their room .haha. then i went to sit with those three who were in a corner.after a few moments jingsi and lichuen came, then me n kevin play five in a row on a piece of paper. OH MY GOD,MS LIM CAME IN. ARRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!! i was like,ok time to pack, gtg. then nigel pulled me down n said "NVM LA,JUS SIT DOWN SHE WUN CARE OR NOTICE U LA" .fine,i sat. then after tat, MDM FENG CAME!!!WTF???!!!! .i was already holding on to my bag,then nigel said "TAKE OFF UR BAG LA" ok. i continued playin wit kevin.

"eh,u join co ah?" turned my head,sanchia! . then dylan was like "no but hes gonna join" . ARGH. i squeezed his ass n told her no .hahaha . THEN THE CONDUCTOR CAME!!! this time its really time to go off. then kevin n nigel both tell me to look for mdm feng to leme join co .wth! too sudden,i dint intend to join co during tat particular moment,but since i wanted to join for quite sometime alrdy, i followed them down to the HOD office .saw mdm feng in meeting room, then eveyr1 sian diao. how long we have to wait-.- halfway up the spiral staircase,i tink li chuen shouted :hey feng lao shi is out" . MDM FENG!!!!MDM FENG!!! . great! she saw us n told me tat if i wana join i had to ask mr chua(the conductor). walao = =. then we went up to music room and asked mr chua. he told me to show him my hand,then IM IN. YYYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dint have to go off =D i sat beside nigel while they practice. it was damn loud,tat stupid nigel almost blast my ear with his super screechy flute.
nigel: eh why she keep looking this way(in chinese)?
me:how the @#$! would i noe?
(everytime she look)nigel *laughs*: shes looking again!
me:yea i noe *laughs*.
elishe:who ur all saying? *turns to the front* OHH HER AH?
me+nigel: shut up la!

the songs they practice was nice,n the conductor was nice too,he dint scold,jus tell them in a slightly impatient way. dylan was funny,he looks damn bored when it wasnt his turn to play,even if it was ,he always play the wrong note haha. then after 2hrs theres a break,i went down with lichuen to get milo,saw vivien but she dint seem to bother me. ok then i went up,n sat beside dylan. practice started again,he kept PINCHING me for no good reason. my leg got orh cheh all over as a result of his pinching. they play play until 6,then we packed all the intruments and chairs ,then went back. AARRGGGHHH VIVIEN WENT OFF. nvm nvm,i went home alone.

yesterday every was suprised i joined co! mos ppl said ill quit in a number of months la,but NO WAY! im not gona quit man. chapel was damn hilarious,that indian guy play the guitar like cock,i tink the guitar is spoilt or sumtin. but this is one of the rare times tat eveyr clapped together while he was singing. obvious reason:all of us r making fun of him . HAHA.after sch me n adriel waited for dylan n sanchia for thei parents to come and fetch them. i dint have a choice,dylan was possessing my hp = =. the twins had a "water" fight,dylan took adriel n me as shield,n both of us got sprayed by sanchia o.O. mopeng was laughing his ass off. then after awhile they went off,den i went to adriel's hse. he still suck in canon in d,still sae wad waana challenge me. lol.

im goin to library later (i hope) with vivien. hope tat nth goes wrong. IM GOIN SENTOSA TOMOROOW(not that i got a choice)!!!!!MONDAY'S MY VERY 1ST PRACTICE IN CO!!!!! FRIDAY I CAN C EVERYONE IN CO!!!!! im SSOOOO looking forward to next week XD


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